This Genuine Tibetan Copper Beads Bracelet is not only great for healing aches and pains but, Indian legend claims wearing Copper is also known for its spiritual power in keeping away evil and all enemies, giving you positivity and wealth. It carries a lot of strength and provides great results to the people who carry or wear it. So purchase a copper bracelet online and wear it right away – better late than never.
Main Spiritual Benefits:-
Conducts spiritual energy:- Copper metal is a good conductor of heat and electricity. Spiritually, it also grounds and transfers vibration frequencies from the physical realm to the spiritual one, and vice versa. As a result, you can channel and communicate with higher dimensional beings, cleanse your aura, mind, and find out information from the spiritual world.
Boosts self-esteem:- Copper metal is known as a warm stone. Its mineral composition balances the energies received from the cool moon and the warm sun, warding off any negative thoughts. It enhances your ability to express yourself and accept your genuine emotions, regardless of the situation. If you feel angry, anxious, or aggressive, the stones’ calming energy will calm down all these emotions.
- Remove black and negative energies
- Brings good luck to the wearer
- Enhance self confidence and releases tension
- keep your immunity power strong
- Accelerates blood flow

Tibet Copper Bead is a highly protective stone and it protect from enemies, evil eye, hexing and jealousy etc. It is blesses with mental clarity and clears confusion helps the individual with the correct decision making abilities.
Balancing yin-yang and energizing the emotional body, Copper stabilizes mood swings, imbues us with willpower, purpose, courage and self-confidence, and releases tension.
Natural wishing healing stones. The Copper shows masculine and energy, could help to release stress.
Product Description:
Item Type: Bracelet
Stone: Mantra Chant Copper Bead
Gender: Unisex
Band: Chant Rope
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